Fret not. I wasn't bullied or flamed.
I locked my blog because I wanted to review all my post. YES!! From my very first post.
My main intention is reflecting how my attitude towards my work and my perception in life.
Basically my primary concern is I dun want pple to read my blog, mis-interpret thinking how bad/political nursing is. In working world, esp nursing, I felt that even when 2 person are not happy with each other, they still work professionally, talk and collaborate for patient care and safety. Sounds amazing but true!!!
Pardon my poor usuage of English if it was mis-intepreted.
Call me sensitive but I feel responsible if pple do get the wrong concept.
And as For me, I am a workaholic and 'can-do' attitude makes me enjoy work even more!
I was damn sad and cried when I heard my MC was extended for one more week.
Now I know what is *men chu bing*
Roy observed and feedback to me how my face lifted up when I was working. Though tired, enjoyed the entire process as I can care for patients and contribute to my organisation!!!
Secondly, I feel that I am in my progression on my career. True, one can only improve. Not to stay stagnant and be contented.
As what my dearest mentor told me, I was known as a canon/Justice Bao in the ward. Pple instigate/trigger me abit, I will help them fight for their battle. Stupid you would say but I feel worthwhile making my effort to fight for my friends. But often, pple might use it to make use for you to acheive something they want. Not as in the bad way but I feel that I should not mis-use my strength.
I am not trying to tell pple how good I am but in order to progress, you must know what are your own strengths and weaknesses.
So after reflecting, I want to make use of my strength, maximising it to everyone.
And at the same time, I am still working on my weaknesses. So yah, terrible.
Fall and cried, cried and fall. Viscious cycle. So pple, that's not the way!!! Go talk to pple and ask them ways of improvement.
My weakness was backed with Roy's theory he had learnt. See if you know what my weakness is!!
"Do you know what is the trick to juggle? Become a good juggler??"
Hmm, I said. Know how many balls you juggling first? haha I think I was right and smart! He shook his head.
The trick to juggling:
"Learn to let go.."
Simple but yet under-ultilised.
Another thoery to correct my 'perfectionist' style.
"No one wake up, come to work and make mistakes. Give them the benefit and guide them well."
Well, I like it.
I appreciate Roy's company alot.
Cos he is my guiding star when I am lost. My crying bucket when I am sad. My punching bag when I am angry. He is so understanding.
He did not even complain when I have practically no time to talk to him! Cos he know I dun get to sleep too!!!
Study, test, projects, work.
This week was the worst I was on night duty for 3 days. I knocked off at 8am on my last night duty and got home only at 11am. I got to wake up at 2pm to make my way to HDB for collection of my house keys!! (everybody says 'yey') hahaha. And shortly after, I had to rush to SIM earlier to study for my mid-test!! Yes the test is on the day itself! And I only got to study on that day! Busy me!!
I realised I have mis-used the word "busy" too often!
And now I dun know what word to subsitute for MORE BUSY!!!
Ok, I think I should stop le. Need to wake up in 4 hours time!! I am all lifted up!! I felt that all this while, I am building uo a wall to prevent myself from showing my potential and capabalities. Cos I felt inferior. But well, the wall has been hacked by darling Roy.
I am all out to charge at work!!!!
Just some quick activity I have done!!! Met up with sweetie Carolyn!!!!
This gal is a great company!!! Dear! Hot Yoga soon! I need to sweat! hahaha.
I joined a spree!!!! Old Navy!!! Got this bag! I think it looks so cowgal! hahhaha
A tube dress again! Nice hor??Mango top!!!
I love this one lei. A bright cheery yellow with lace and tie-string!!! Typical pattern I look for!!!
Lastly a tube dress again bought at Bugis!!! Wahahah
Me!!!! See my tee? I finally bought that:"Voted No 1 Shopping Queen!" tee. Agreed?? kekeke
My decent dinner finally! A trip to Raffles' City Menotti! Thanks to UOB voucher. Food so-so only but a great place for friends catch up!!!
Know what these 2 pics say? Roy slacken in his photography skills!!! Me so angry!!! Must make him take more pics! Whahaha... So that I can post more decent pics!!!
K lah I got to go. AM shift tomorrow, meeting after that and school to end the day. What a life!
And really great to know pple care for me!! And for those who really made the effort to sms/mail me, I thank you all!!!! And remember I will be there for you all too!!! Just drop me a thinker and once I am liberated with activity I will be there for you all too!!!
Muacks** I love my life and pple around me!!!!
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