I wore my Guess necklace and carried my Guess bag along!
IT was full of food and excitement day! First was eating *fa cai* yu! Well, it has been a culture we ate this every year! Ah Ma says whoever eat that will *fa*! And we ate like sharks! Apparently I heard they ordered 30 kg!!!!
See the pic below for some happenings!!
In preparedness for our *lao yu sheng*!!!! The $$$ kind. hahha our *yusheng* is added with Abalone!!! Shiok man! But only a bit. The one who ate will *huat* this year!!! Hahha that means everyone will *huat*~
I love yummilicious *yusheng* I can swallow them in one gulp! hahah
Besides enjoying our food, we make our auntie jealous by posing *romantic!* kekke
Everyone in a hurry to find $$$$!!! I keep asking why no *baoyu*?? And dearie fed one immediately for me!
See the mess!!! Know we know what is the purpose of laying the newspaper!
My handsome uncle deserve it!!

All our hands smell with $$$$!! hahha
Came to realise when post this pic:"Where is Daddy huh?"
Mummy loves his *nu xu* very much. So much so she had to hug him!
She is not as smilely when I joined in!
He is so handsome hor? And he can eat and eat Ah Ma's *gorh hiang* A happy chap while eating.
That is what I meant!!
Ah Ma serious look when preparing yummilicious glorious food!!
This is her sister Glenda! So oriental.
Baby Lewis! One who is so bubbly and not afraid of crowds! Anyone also can carry him!
Decided to test Spoonky if he can carry babies! HE should start practising now!!
Do we look like a family? kekek how I wish it will come true fast!!
Had fun playing with him! He is teething and so grabs everthing he sees, to his mouth!
Check out another pretty babe! Angela!!! Her mummy is my mummy's goody friend cum colleague! She has such beautiful eyes!
Time for photos so we all gathered!!!
We gals are super vain! Everyone wants to re-take!
With our handsome uncle! Sad~ He's soon leaving Sing to Taiwan for detachment le!
Spoonky took a pic with him too!
Bro joins in!
The 3 siblings who grew up together! Playing, fighting, laughing. Been through thick and thin.
My sis and I purposely posey to make him looks fatter! hahaha Seems like it is working!
Me with Baby Bernice and cousin Lynn! I told Bernice I will try to be a good auntie! Will have little Roy or Rossie next year to *pei* her and play!
Finally I forced everyone to play fishball !!! This pic screams ~~~CUTE~~~~
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