MJ is such an intelligent game and you need to plan strategies in order to win big bucks!
Sindy dearest is kind enough to teach us!! Yippe! She is one great teacher! I know how to *suan tai* liao! And I can win a *ping hu*!! Of course not as many as Sindy!
Presenting our great *shi-fu* for the nite:
(credits to Lianie baby who made the names!!)
Sindy dearest! I think she is super exhausted from teaching the FON students like us! At least not me! whahaha. Whenever Sindy teaching Peggy and Lianie, I wanna burst out laughing! Cos this super *shi-fu* will ask questions! And furthermore she will ask WHY!!! the look of pegs dear and lianie dear-priceless!!!
She brought along her MJ table!!! So *wei-da* pat pat her for carrying the bulky table!!
I gotta add: I wanna bear-hug Sindy dear again!!! I am superduper happy for her!!!
I got to say I really *pei-fu* her! She is the *xiao-jiang* of the day!!! Lianie baby amazed me everytime! She will have lotsa funny yet so logic ideas!!! Her *zi-mo* farnalogic!! (rossie's language)
Farnalogic definitely makes the game so much livelier! And I wanna say I look damn disgusting! Makes me wanna puke again! (i think i look like ms swan!!) -run to toilet, vomit blood-
Here is the ever enthu-in-everything pretty lady! whahaa a pretty gal like her can do all quirky actions!! And she does it well!!!! Well, back to her enthusiasm. She is so excited abt this whole MJ! She brought the tiles and liquor, ate pratas and did manicures and pedicures for the gals! Thanks dearie for making such a great effort in making this possible!!! No tiles=No MJ! hahaha
Lianie baby enjoying her pedicure session! Announcement for Peggy: I dun think Lianie washed her feet that nite! hahahha (joking lah)
We also have the lovely company of Jawslyn!! She is such a sweetie bought pratas to spice up the room! hahaha..
Hahaha I only have one pic of u! BOO!!! We shall take more ok???
Lastly it is ME!!! I am so interested in MJ! I really hope to have more of this!!! Cos it is a gals' bonding session!! I like!
I suddenly realise I should have took the red chips! Cos purple chip of lesser value! I am dumb!!
Smartie Peggy knows better! Or she meant Rudolph?
We had a very nice pic of us!!! But I dun know what Lianie dear is doing!!! aarrgghh... I can feel her fidgetting here and there but yet can't wait for the camera!!!
We try on more time! Lagi-worst! We can't find Lianie dear in this pic!!!
More MJ MJ!!! I want it more often! We can play a small small $ game yah? kekke I enjoyed my nite with the gals!!! They are such great company. Pretty and kind and friendly and goodie gals to begin with!!! All with the help and effort by the 4 great lovely friends I had!!
I am so glad that Jos and Teck Ann welcomed my friends. Afterall, it is their house! And they joined in the fun too!!
Not forgetting my darling Roy who helped me so much!!
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