Rossie got to work :(
No I didn't request for a day off cos I felt bad that time for taking such a long break.
So poor me gotta work from 2-10pm today. sulky.
But with lotsa sweeties msging me "Happy Birthday" wishes! It lightens up my mood!!!!
Hahaaha I am so blessed!
I met up with Catherine darling on sat, after my morning shift.
I wore my cheery yellow mango top! And I like it! hehehehe.

Gosh that day is so hetic! I practically made her wait till she finished her window shopping at FEP!
That long!!! But dearie kinda got used to it cos I always had last min emergencies to attend!
And there is when I got my first pressie!!
I am super touched! She got me a Swarovski crystal!
Crystals are meant to have healing effects and she knows I needed one! And how to carry them 24 hours?
Clever her got the latest handphone strap! And at the side, I can detahced them and wear as a bracelet! Isn't it pretty??
Check out another pretty pressie Cat got for me!! I *heart* birthday cards!!! This is so beautiful!
And I bought tees again!!! I am so in love with them ok?
Adding on to my Shopping Queen collection!
And this Guess necklace caught my eyes too!!!

The next day, I got to stay at home to complete my project. Non-productive day. I was so bored that I stared at the lappie and I just can't finish them! aarrgghh.
The thought of not able to celebrate makes me feel sucky. And yet at the same time, I am not having the mood to celebrate at all!
I just felt depressed.
So my day just passed like that. At strike of 12mn, got the first hug from lil' Jossie and then Roy!
Hahaha he only got me a card. sad.. But then again, I told him that there is no need for gifts as I am contented with the things I had...
My face lighted up seeing these pretty butterflies!!!
So yups.
But have come I got no candles to blow de?
He woke up and go to work and me had to rush to work in the pm.
I just feel so disappointed.
Anyway, darling had it all planned.
He purposely dun celebrate on the early strike after Midnight but made me wait till the late evening when I got home. Boo. He even asked Jossie not to give me my present. Hahah seeing my sad face, he gave me the card first and his heart sank and he saw my puppy eyes. hahahah
After my long day at work, he drove me home, with Jossie waiting for me!
The siblings bought me cake and sang Happy Birthday song for me!!!! I am so happy to see the candle!!!
I had yummy Emicakes! D24 Durian!! yum yum...

Jossie my darling..
I love her card!!! Pretty in Pink!

She bought me a book! Yippee~ I need them to motivate me!! Thank you, Jossie!
And Roy's gift was kinda expected cos the day I went out wif Catherine, I msg him about the bag I wanted to buy. But he said he will get that for me. I am having 2 thoughts on that but as I reached home, I am missing the bag liao! Worried the SA words might come true (fast selling colour and 20% discount) I wanted to wake up early to buy de but gosh I overslept and had to cab to work!!
Sucks! But darling smartie Roy, through description by me and the price range, he bought the bag I wanted after he knocked off!! This bag looks nicer IRL!!!!
Sucks! But darling smartie Roy, through description by me and the price range, he bought the bag I wanted after he knocked off!! This bag looks nicer IRL!!!!
Wait till I start to use it and will take a pic!!

And I got another birthday wishes from Meiling at work!
Well, my colleagues didn't know. I kept hush hush and was feeling a bit down when working.
But sweetie Meiling never fails to forget!! And she knew I love precious moments! I got a Feb Princess!!!

I am so grateful having friends remembering this day and they sent me their wishes. Friends and family meant alot to me.
My sis is the sweetest. Called me early to wake me up. Hmm, I miss her!! My heart really ached now. I miss all my family and friends!
Will do some catch up!!!
And thanks to Roy who always with me, supporting me!!
I love my life, my friends, my family and my guy!!!!
Or I should say, we love each other!!!! *blush*
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