Yesterday, I woke up, feeling giddy and it accompanied with severe headache.
I almost fainted. I can feel the weakness on my body but there's nothing I can do to support them.
My heart wanted to go all out to meet Sindy dear but my body just won't move..
I think I am so prone to postural hypotension these days. I knew I had lowish BP but not that low to cause spinning. *shrugs*
Can see how swollen and red my eye is? Hahah and stupid dumdum me go apply eyeliner on my left eye! But I am so eager to try my chanel graphite!!! hahaha
See my lashes? The ZA cutie curl is indeed *thumbs-up*
My heart wanted to go all out to meet Sindy dear but my body just refused to move.
This stupid butt is getting bigger. Hmm, wondering if it's stuck in the seat.
I took the whole day to rest and that prevented my head from further spinning.
And that nap makes me look "awake". Can fringe can hide my redred eye? sucks. obviously can't.
Hide behind the camera!
Sometimes props can do the trick. But not ALL! Anna Sui looks nice on my fingers. Not on my face.
Felt better after the rest and so left at around 6pm for a quick dinner. I really feel sick! But my stomach growling. no, no, It's roaring for attention! I can't linger in town for too long also.
Within that hour, something managed to grab my attention!
One bustier top added in my wardrobe.
It is too pretty to resist! You know it's deep royal purple, satin and laces, with buttons details and most importantly, it is flattering!!!!
I dun have bustier! hahahha
It seems that there's always reason for me to shop! Or shall I call them excuses instead?

This is what I received in Roy's letter box! *yay*
Here comes Shiyin and Me!!! See our fishballs!!! So cuteeeeee *squeals*
Shiyin looks so cute here!!!
Shiyin has a pretty darling! I want also! But... It's one and only! I want the rabbit! *wails*
Shiyin dear is so nice. She drove me back to my nearest train station as yours truly looks ill and fragile. I kept pulling tissues out. Else the tears will add on to the flood! whhahhaa.
I can't really go out for long hours ever since my operation. Fear might further irritate my eyes. Suddenly I miss working. I wanna go back to work. But my eyes will scare my patients away. And if I really fainted *touch Roy* (wahhah cos he's a *MU TOU*!) I will cause more problem! So I will be a good gal and recuperate at home. May I filled with will and energy and strength when I go back. :)
My darling eyes, let's exchange a forever promising vow ok? I will treat you better and so you MUST get well soon!!!
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