He told me he will bring me out and shop till I drop. Bought me sweet lil' gifs despite he's so tired!
See his sleepy face?
I think my PMS got worse. Flared at him at the slightest thing. Luckily it didn't spoil our entire day! This is what he bought for me! A Hani Brown top! It's green and see the lighter green part? It's suppose to be translucent. Hahahha but real nice lah.
A pair of black lycra pants! Super comfy and nice!!! I like the scrunch up gathers by the side and puff up ankle look! Pretty!!!!
Roy bought that for me! I'm so happy! And their things dun come cheap so that makes me their member. Gals, if you buying their stuffs, let me know if you wanna have their 15% discount! A free srunchie to match my top!
I get to select a free pouch too! I remembered Peggy and Sindy dear wore this fabric print for some event!!!! Aaahhhhh so pretty!
I hope this will be the last top I buy.. I cannot resist this cutey ribbon greeny tube! Love love love it!


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