Met Peggy darling for a express manicure session before I went to work!!!
A short session but I totally enjoyed it!!!
Peggy darling is really a DARLING!
I love talking my hearts out to her!!!!

kekeke i grabbed this college from peggy!
Ok, I think I look real fat and ugly here.
Just what's wrong with me???
I wanna lose 8kg in 3 months or less!!!
Time to hit the GYM!!!
You gals saw my *bak ziam*?
This is how I got it! DAMN!
Was having tanning wif Fanny the other day and didin't get the chance to go home and change. So I wore back my halter sundress.
Then on the road, I got this weird stare from this uncle and my darlings (Pegs n Shiyin) were damn pissed at him for staring at me! But hahhaha I clamed them down by saying:"Dun worry he'll have *bak ziam* tomorrow!!"
But *kelian* me. I am the one who in turn has it!
That means I can't wear what I like is it?
I dun know how long I can tolerate this.
Cos whatever pics I post, stupid, psycho anonymous will tag about my boobs!
Pls!!! I am already not happy with that and I dun think I enjoy that kind of attention!!!!
Does that mean that I really have to give up something that I enjoy doing? Come to think of it, I really love blogging!! When I grow old and suffering from Alzheimers' I can always read my own blog!!! And I can see photos too!!!
Whatever I wear is my choice, I think I look nice and presentable. Not to show off or inviting unncessary stares or comments.
This is making me sick!
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