I was really really depressed. My eyes were swollen too.
Then by the time I left TTSH, it was already 5pm. Too late to meet Shiyin dear for a library session. Sorry dearie!!! I'll squeeze time again!
I made way to Raffles City and my, the Coach Boutique was so HUGE!!!!
I cannot resist the temptation and maybe also to cure my depression, I bought this!!!! I love the classic white and it's a wristlet!!!!
My own Nurses' Day gift!!!! And to all Nurses out there,
"Happy Nurses' Day!"

When I reach home, Roy knew that I am sad and worried on my new rotation, he bought a lil' gift for me!!!! Hahahah my guess is correct! Chocolates!!!!
And today Aug 1st, he surprised me wif this:
Smart! He knew the first thing I do when I reach home is to switch on my lappie. So he placed it there. I simply giggle over what he had written!! Cos Nurses and Drs make the worst patient! How true!
My first day is disastrous! Damn busy!!!
Didn't know 'A' class ward is so busy de. I didn't go home till 10pm today! But Dr Laura did made me a smile! She bought me chocolates!!!
Thank you Dr Laura!!!!
Ooh looking at my lappie, it's medication time!!!
*updated after slurpping*
The cough syrup is nice!!! I like it! Even begged for 2 spoonfuls!
Hahaha Roy got a shock! I licked till the spoon shines! (pardon me)
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