You know, we always buy things for each other! This is how close we are!
She will know what I like and I will buy her stuff she lust for!
We have telepathy!
We can laugh at slightest joke, talk about everything under the sun and do FON (full of nonsense) stuffs together!

I still remembered when we first met, we didn't really like each other. I dislike her aloofness, she hated my noisiness! I was kinda active during sec school days. Was a peer leader thus we gotta attend lotsa camps. Dun even know when we started to be very very close....
So nice recalling those funny things we used to do!
(1) My first eyebrow trimming experience was wif her! hee.. Actually she PLUCKED them for me~ aaarrrggghh damn painful. Imagine she used hot then cold therapy. Funny aunty Cat logic!
(2) Her used CD player was sold by me! I just walked into a shop and told the guy that I wanna sell of that and viola! We both had a good laugh after that!
(3) We loved loved old Sizzler at Wisma!
(4) We used to plan our study at Australia hahah which never come true... keke
(5) She influenced me to put on makeup!
(6) One of her Birthday was celebrated at the old TGIF! Some Ang-moh even sang Birthday song for her with us together! And she dropped $50 on that very day! My, that's hellalotsa $$ back then!
Yah! We enjoyed each other company very very much!!! I love her! And this is how we look when young! Wearing similar style!

She'll kill me I think! Hahah but I love her to bits! She can't bare to slaughter me! I'm lil pig and she's pig's trotter legs! hahhaa our farnie nick!