I brought Oriental Beauty out today!!
Shiyin had french manicure!! Love these orange colours!! Me something nude for work!!
I just removed the colour. Cos their skills are not good. It is the price that makes us tempted. $15 for express mani & pedi. Oh well. Sigh.
See our painted nails!!! I finally had them RED!!
Peggy dear is so cute and creative~ She said toes and fingers must have expressions too. So, this is our excited, happy looking nails!!
We really had a good time laughing!!
Pegs and Shiyin had to leave early early. So more of us next time!
Read much craze over this trolley luggage. So, rushed to CWP and purchase more Ettusais stuff! Their cosmetics are good!
Hey, before commenting, this is approved by Roy. Meant for my BKK trip. But it is such a darling I might just hand carry. LOL.
This compact comes with a limited pink casing too!!! With a pouch! Love it!!
Been down these few days. But I had great support.
Thanks dear for the effort in making a smile on my face.
Thanks Jos dear for the chocolates and the comfort.
Thanks Sis for the wake up reminder. I felt hurt deeply. But appreciated that.
Thanks Pegs for the conversation and your friendship.
Thanks Shiyin for being there.
Thanks Cat, I misses you so so much. I know you will do all I needed to feel if you had known what happen..
I just wanna say, "I love my family." Everyone I know is so dear to me. Irregardless if I see them everyday.
"How can you really know the joy of being on the summit of the mountain unless you have first visited the lowest valley?"
There are no mistakes in life. Just lessons.
There is no such thing as negative experience, only opportunites to grow and learn.
From struggle comes strength!
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