See this cute Dior Red shoes earrings? I saw it few months back. And everytime I went FEP, I will take a glance at it. Didn't buy cos the gal told me it's $39!!! So ex! So had to give it a miss. So why now this is mine?
Well here is the story...
Excited Ros brought Catty to the shop and told her about this happening earring-a.g.a.i.n I forgot I mention it to her. So I itchy hand went to take it down. When attempted to put it back, it dropped. Gosh my heart suffered a plunge too. Seeing it's still ok, I attempted to put it back again. But the frame of their earring holder is too fragile. I dropped it again. This time round, the metal ring holder breaks and detached off from the ring. Scary right?
But me remained calm. I could just walk away but I didn't. I owned up to the gal. Instead of being professional, she scolded me of why not asking her for help. I told her I will be staying and even thinking I'm paying for that. She grumbles and said that it's my fault and WE should find the missing piece together. Aite never mind. Ros helped too. Finally it's found. She asked me to pay. I enquired how much as thinking she will let it out at a cheaper price. She said $29. Still ex, she told me this is a new piece and just arrived. This is starting to piss me off. HELLO!!! This design had been around for MONTHS! And I saw the other colours still hanging at the display. And you lied through your teeth saying this just arrive?
Her attitude sucks throughout our conversation. She refused to explain to me and demanded I speak to her boss. She called her on mobile. She shooved the phone to me and the moment I heard her boss, she was screaming at me. I told her I'm not trying to shift my mistake but I just wanted it at a cheaper price. And the moment she told me it's a new arrival, I am really damn angry. (but I maintained my cool throughout) She herself lied. The earring is here for months!!! She hanged up by asking me to pass back the phone to her assistant and I only got a 10% discount. Aite. I only wanted to pay $20 for that cos the other side can't be wearable anymore! Why the hell must I pay so much for a one-sided earring???? Moreover, it's for so long le. Goods do depreciate right???
So the gal called her boss back and I heard her assistant mention about calling security! WHY???? I am not even running away? When the phone is at my ears, she screamed at me again! I told her we are civilised pple and we can talk things out. It is indeed her goods are inferior! So I explained to her. What if I bought a new intact piece of jewellery and the moment I received it, it's spoilt? You will definitely charge me cheaper right? If not I won't buy de mah. Moreover, that piece might not be able to repair!! She kept screaming at me!!! I told her nicely once again that she is the BOSS of that shop and should be more Cultivated!!! I told her it is rude to scream! Finally she got the gal to take my $20. The gal didn't offer me help on how to deal with my spoilt earring. She instead, messy-ly, any-how pack my earrings and stared at me. When she snatched my $20 note, she even slamed the cashier machine! This really reached my anger peak and I was being forced to comment she was damn rude throughout! Folding arms is not acceptable in my idea of SALES. I told her to improve on that and do not just think we are troublesome cos, there wasn't anyone at the shop!!! She should have treated me the same way as in a normal customer! If she did that, I don't even mind paying the usual price. Instead of accepting constructive critisism, she shouted back. SIAN. If that was service, I rather shop online.
Ok looks like heaven badly wants me to own this pair of earrings! Cat said my temper improved LOTS! If I were younger, look who will be the tiger! So, being angry doesn't help. Keeping a cool mind does. I guess work and Roy had changed me alot. Catty is so impressed of the way I handled the problem!
I felt that if they didn't lied about that was a New Arrival and their attitude towards me is better, I would have just paid and go. Aite. Just wanna said I solved the earring problem too! I'm a smartie in this!! Hiak hiak... The moment I reached home, I've made it a pair!!!
What an adventure! After that we kept on giggling on the incident and it was fun that we cracked jokes out of it.
The intensive shopping session made us hungry again. Cheese cake digest fast!
Going Korean!!! This is yummy!!! At taka, food mall!! Lotsa pple q-ing. Cheaper but surprisingly nicer than restaurant!!
Hahaha this made Roy drools too..
I really can't live without her!!!!
I think the shop lady cursed me. I started to spend $$$$$.
I got this Bebe coin purse cum card holder at 40% off!!! Was debating gold over silver with Cat. Guess which colour I bought?
The answer is: GOLD!
Catty wanted a white bag for her pretty red dress that she wore. M)phosis managed to attract her wallet. And miraculously, the magnetic field draws my wallet for this too.
Check the inner compartment. I like!!!
A white srunched top!!! I cannot show my flabby arms! Must cover up!
No I didn't buy this today. Hee, got it yesterday. I showed it cos I love this fragrance!!! I have lotsa perfume!!! And I finished them all and my fav Armani white went missing when I forgetfully left in the ladies at my work place!!!
When working, I spritzed a lil'. Who wants to smell sweat, shit and urine when taking train? I also wouldn't want!
Dior2 is my fav No 2 now!!!
Thinking of which, I still miss Armani White. Cos Fann uses that :D
Hahaha. Speaking of that, the smelly me starts tomorrow!
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