We went to k-box for lungs exercises! That is only warm-up ok.

Then it's the stomach-action! This lunchie of ours is great!!! I love mushroom chicken!!!
After warming up, I shall now announce the beginning of our 4 hour shopping exercises! And it is not window shopping :(
Hmm, we spent $$$$$. But thankfully I have this shopping queen beside me!
My first buy of the day! Thanks to Shiyin!!! She introduced me to this as she had one too... I guess our style are kinda alike! Great taste mah! And we also dun mind each other carry same stuff. And she thinks my handphone looks abit bare.. Hmm, I would say: BORING. Hahah now with this purple handphone charm, spices up abit yah? (purple is also my fav colour!)
Here's Shiyin's handphone charm! Green one!!
We also took plenty of photos! Here's sweet sweet de~
Then comes,
expressions, expressions, expressions
We walked into FEP and headed in, this is what I bought!
Thanks to Shiyin! *winks*
And this kind soul gave up this last pair of black bottoms to me.. Thank you dearie! You are so sugar!
Then I met Xiangyun to collect my necklace!!! She is really creative! Do drop by to find your ideal piece ~HERE!~
I love you! yet hate you cos the things you choose always so pretty that I can't resist buying!!!

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