SAD :(
Today is the last day of attachment. My darling students, will miss you de!!!
And especially to Sangeetha and Candy. Will think of you guys! hee, maybe when I busy I'll chant:'aaarrrggghh how come Candy and Sangeetha not here to help me!!'
Anyway, I think I was abit too impatient with them. Despite the ward being busy, I guide them from step 1 to the end. ( I really love teaching) I dun wish to see these students of mine, learning the short-cut way.
But being a time-is-precious freak, I got a little bit impatient and somehow, run here and there to do my stuffs. I think it kinda make them feel left-out.
But glad to hear that they learn things during their attachments! Cos that it the time they are protected and once they passed out, they will need to handle things themselves le!
Candy and Sangeetha made me a card!
Oooohhh my, I'm very touched! Thank you darlings!!! *group hugz*
I like cards. Cos nothing beats the words and thoughts that come with it.
You know, I have piles of cards lying at home. I can't bear to throw these "treasure" away!!!
So if you are my primary school friend, I will still have yours. Right inside my box.
When I have time and read these cards, I felt loved. These cards meant alot to me. It helps me gathered strength to continue this difficult life journey..
I love hand-made cards!!!
And they got me this lovely star bracelet too!
I wore it the moment I received it!!! Nice~ Hmm, but I gotta removed it le. Tomorrow is Rossie's working day!

Finally looking forward for tomorrow!! I'm going to meet Catherine dear!! My dearest chum came back from Taipei!!!! Heeehheee. See what she buys for me! And thinking of that, I have been receiving lots of present lately.
One black bag from my colleague, one necklace from Roy and this star bracelet!!!
Was msn-ing Shiyin and I told her about my lil' secret history, why I'm such a sensitive person and what I always believed in.
My own derived quote that keeps me strong:
"If God takes away something precious from you, she will return something else back doubly to you, which others doesn't have."
I think to me, that is my unqiue life! :)