But my dearest forgot to bring the voucher out! *smack*

This is the first time I went out, without wearing any bra! *shy* I know, sounds so *bu yao lian* but I wanna share my first baby experience with all of you!!! This red top is damn good! Have paddings and cheap! And it also match my botttom! This bottom also my fav! Wear it for many days le.. No need to pinch your nose! It's not Smelly YET! :D
Saw my new shoe? A 3 inch wedges from Jos dear! We were shopping the other day and she bought it for me!!! I love it much much!!! Illusionally tall!!! So many colours, will be easy to match too!
This is super comfy! No pain! Not even a blister after 4 hours of intensive walking!
While shopping, I had a sudden craving for Nougats! Thank god I dun have to fly to Oz to buy it! The green tea flavour is yummy!
Spoonky's favourite shopping area! Supermarket!!! We can shop there for ages! I didn't know he is full of expressions!!! His gross look after seeing this multi flavoured twisties!
Twisties, Wasabi potato chip, Root beer for Guess Guess Guess later! Jos gal thought we bought beer! She is so alcoholic! The root beer is nice!! Very diff from the usual A&W ones! Spoonky bought a Shirt for my Daddy! Thanks dear!!
His kiss makes my day even BRIGHTER!
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