We attended Leonard Drake's Light Beauty!
I know more about my skin now!! I must be a good gal, cannot be lazy anymore!

The talk is held at Meritus Mandarin Hotel! see, there's even a bed for lightening demonstration! The tea break is also very nice! *greedy sarah*
We felt like *tai-tai* So free can attend these lessons. And she wanted to go high tea the next time round! See this pose-very tai tai look!
This place is at Ngee Ann City Tower B Leonard Drake! Man, I should have come here for my facial treatments! It is super relaxing and looks like pple do practise yoga here! Scenary is so nice and calm! And Cheerios to Jos! She is very very close to Nice, Clean Skin!!! She bought dermalogical facial products!

Spoonky and Me! Attending our Best Bud-Wenliang's wedding!!!
Here comes the couple!!!!
I can wait for my turn!!!! I wanna have lots and lots of rose petals and confettis!!!!
They specially concotted a Drink for the Bride groom! *Ji-Wei Jiu* Chicken's head (Ji) Fish tail (Wei) and Red wine (Jiu) Hahahahha damn funny and super creative! This is the guy who came out wif this idea!!! Spoonky's friend even asked me to blow up his pic and put at my wedding reception table! Why? To ban him from entering my wedding!!! Hahahaa LOLs
Sad to say, I'm high after consuming those Red Wine!! Lousy!
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