At the struck of midnight, this romantic guy display his message across for the gal he likes.. SO SO ROMANTIC!!

Sarah is sad... That is not done by Spoonky.. *MU-TOU* wouldn't do that. Even if he does now, it will be so copycat.. He won't! Hahaa
Guess who is that lucky gal? Clue: not the one in the pic that is why we so *ke-lian*
Anyway, I'm so lucky got my Christmas kisses from all the babes!!!
Thanks gers I had great fun laughing!
Val`peBbLes n Yiling`stRaiGht facE so cool to hang out wif you!
From 12mn till 2am I was crazy wif them. Got to wake up at 5am.
I was in my semi-conscious mode when I took my rest.
Cos of the giggles n laughter.
And it didn't end till I wake up. *So Heng de Sarah*~
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