Whow~ Today is a great day...
Started of with a wonderful brekkie with Spoonky. Head my way to the ward to get ready.. The set was more or less done up and we are waiting..
Hmm, waiting for?? The camera crew. They arrived around 10 plus to set up their cameras, lights and sound. I was done up with my hair, makeup and uniform.. So pleased with myself.. Looking pretty!! *Sigh* Got to change a new set of uniform cos was commented on my short and tight uniform.. Sarah grumbles* not tight at all mah!* No choice gotta go to linen store to change a BRAND NEW SET.
Stupid Sarah didn't know she is a size 6 till now.. She alwayz get a size 8 uniform then went to auntie there for alteration. Haiz. no wonder I end up paying so much!!! Cos a 6 fits nicely. Just shorten the length and shape the waist can liao. Stupid Sarah. At the same time, got the opportunity to get my new pair of shoes! Yay!
Anyway, it didn't dampen my mood..
We had a smooth flow of the shooting!*clapping hands* And I thought the Director is the student in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.. Wow he is working for Ngee Ann not under study.. And the crew looks kind of
Jack, the director has lotsa experience. Took part in filming: Shooting stars! He commented that Zoe is very nice and a good actress! Knew her lines well and takes good care of the crew members! Really very Ah-Jie! Ah-Ke, Li Nanxing, Gurmit Singh are the few he had worked with and he really praised them!!!
Received nice compliments! Come on, who doesn't like? He said I act better than some new actress he encountered! Wow, Sarah can't sleep tonight.. And my superior said I did well! Had good diction today!~ She told me she knew that I had prepared hard for this!
Sarah really needs to count sheeps tonight....
Acting also invloved NG takes and lots and lots and lots of laughter! I was even barred to continue as I *xiao chang* so farnie!!
The scene is about her asking me regarding if wheelchair can be shared among contact precautions patients.
I was memorising hard as last minute they decided to change the script. It was a tuff job! So was thinking hard but more or less prepared! Everyone knew I'm trying hard and thus, made me go few rounds till I'm confident.
Then Jasmine made me laugh non-stop!
The scenario goes like this:
Jack: Ok Rosaline get ready, silence at the set, camera rolling, get ready, lighting, sound ok and action!
Jasmine: What about CHAIR??? Can we share??????
At this point of time, everyone burst out laughing but stupid Sarah still verbal diarrhoea her lines!!
Jack: CUT!!!!! JASMINE!! Chair can share!!!! What happen to WHEEL???
Hai, some laughing at Jasmine, while some laughing at the tension-tight Sarah!!
After that, we need to retake again!
Jack: Never mind try again. Composed yourself!! Get ready, silence at the set, camera rolling AANNDD action!
Jasmine: What about......
Rosaline trying VERY, VERY hard not to laugh but I bursted it all out!!!!
Oh god, they asked me to relax one corner after that!! *hmpff*
The shot took around 3 takes!!
Maybe u won't find it funny but it is!!! Think had to act out then can see the effect! Hahahaha!!
Well, the fun really ended around 4 plus..
After Jack announced: Ok crew *shou gong* everyone clapped for all the efforts everyone had done and were shaking hands with the 2 not-so-pro-TTSH-actresses-of-the-day.. Hmmm, can I say that? Or I should call ourselves???
Checked the dictionary.. Actor
- A theatrical performer.
- One who takes part; a participant:"France, Britian... and any other external actors now involved... in the affairs of the continent" (Helen Kitchen).
Law One, such as the manager of a buisness, who acts for another.
- A person who engages in art, science, study, or athletic activity as a pastime rather than as a profession.
- Sports An athlete who has never accepted money, or who accepts money under restrictions specified by a regulatory body, for participating in a competition.
- One lacking the skill of a professional, as in an art.
(quote: http://education.yahoo.com/reference/dictionary/entry/amateur)
Ok, ok, I will add the amateur in front. Satisfied?
So, that make us Amateur actresses of the day!!! Yey!
After that, one of the crews asked if we are interested in acting for Mediacorp! Yes lah!! Sarah even don't mind to just be minor minor role!
Sarah grumbles that she has yet to take photos! And we don't know if we still have any roles!
Jack said YES!!! We are to prepare for next week's filming and we are welcomed to take pictures!!! Sarah happy but will be super STRESSED!
Never mind, till the day comes! Meanwhile, getting ready for the counter
Wondering how many sheeps will jump over the fence tonight.......
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