Really appreciate their effort in making the trip down to have a lil catch up!
They look so different when not in uniform!! Definitely way prettier! I felt having a more personal touch /friendship thingy.
See my tired face? Needed some caffeine boost to stay awake! Poor Rossie had only an hour of rest the previous nite!
Photos grabbed from Candy darling!

Before the studious girlies made trip home, we snapped for another round! Immediately after we powdered up! hahahha Vainy pots made the day!
The 2 sweeties definitely gonna make goody nurses in future! oopss like in few months time! whahaha
Met up my Notorious Nursing classmate! Dip in Nursing '07!!! Time really flies! And sitting down updating each career life made the time passed fast! Though seldom in contact, their friendship warms my heart!
My crappiest full of laffs chums
Hmm, dun know when will be the next meet up but that will definitely be an interesting one!
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