Rossie had such great time hanging out with my beloved friend! Ms Rachataves!! What a Brilliance day! Hahahaha. We have done quite a bit of catch up but not enough of shopping dear!! When I come back from holidays yah???
Cos poor me gotta work night shift after that! Boohoohoo... :*(

Mr Ong ( my secondary English teacher) knew how to read palmistry. From there he knew I love pretty things!
Hee :) I love my Pretty Roy! Whahaha he sound so gay!
Ok back to lots of pretty stuffs today! Well, at least for me!!!
This Christmas tree is so pretty but short! Hahahha.. Finally! Something shorter than me!!! And I can reach for the star lei!!
Meiling is really clever! She knew I like to take pics so she offered to snap! Meiling! Must practise more! I am not saying I am pro but at least my photos are usually centralised! And you must practice now! Then when you got a new digicam, you can take nice pics le! kekekeke
I went to work around 8pm! Mighty Rossie stayed awake the whole night! Thereafter, I went to Yishun TF for a shop!! They open as early as 9am!!!! As a Shopping Princess, once I set my eyes on something, I will try to get it! This dress is so nice right? Found it cheaper than LJ webby! Yishun branch had no more stocks. So I kay-po and asked the SA what is the opening hours at Kranji branch! FYI!!!! Only Yishun and Kranji MRT Branch open as early as 9am!! To think I actually took a train again to look for this *BaoBei*!!! Was hoping for more colours selection but glad white is a new piece!
I simply find that this top is very very comfy! I intend to wear it later! Do you think it looks like F21 that kinda design? Well I had to agree!
A floral top added into my shoppng bag! Needless to say. Flowers, leaves, colours!
Finally a long tunic tube top!! Know why I buy? Because of the scrunches at the side!!!!
Ok I need to sleep le. I really deserve a smack. Cos I need to wake up in 4 hours time to get ready for my second day night shift!
I am going to turn purple later!
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