Me me! With both upper limbs and lower limbs in extension!!!!
Gosh I think it is amazing that I am so so dependent on coffee every morning!
Gosh I think it is amazing that I am so so dependent on coffee every morning!
I was practically late for 15 mins when going school today! And I even have the audacity to walk to the canteen to grab my sugar booze! *faints*
Nothing beats the aroma and the pleasure of sipping the coffee!
And I grabbed another cup before work. Fact: Caffeine cures my headache! I swear to it!
Rossie! You must limit to one cup a day only!!!
Rossie! You must limit to one cup a day only!!!
And another thing I must limit! My shopping spree!!! What is wrong with me? For just 45 mins, I can grab 2 tops and a necklace!
I just cannot resist the so-me top~

I love this brown one! The sleeves are srunched up! Apparently, it does the trick of covering flabby arms too! hahaha!

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