The chalet is super super BIG!!!! A living room, kitchen dining area, TV lounge, 2 master bed rooms (one at ground floor, the other up in the 2nd floor) and 2 guest room!! Attached private car slot!!! Another view, we can see pple swimming!! I love this place!

I took photos with almost everyone! Sarah mad!

And I drool over these food prepared by Zan! There is traditional Philippino food!
Simply love their sphagetti and pasta creamy dessert!

After eating, they started to drink! Bailey's with pineapple(sounds weird but not bad!), Red wine, Vodka, Hard liqour! Cheers, cheers, cheers! And in this college, Yuping is 21 years old!! Officially, legalised to drink! Kekee.
Next, Fashion Parade!!! Qian Qian wearing her 2 piece! Wow! *wolf whistle* Zan, wearing her striking belly chain belt!!! Cool!
Spoonky *peng gang* his favourite sotong for me!!! Hi guys, I can be called Sotong if you ilke!! Now you know my middle name!! LOL!!!!!

Since we eaten so much, Time to exercise!!!
We played games and this is called the Brinjal and Tomato. The Brinjal was tied to a rafia string attached to our waist and we got to sweep the tomato to the finishing line! It looks gross! So un-glam!
Remember Musical chair? Haha sounds childish yah? But uber fun!!!! I was practically screaming away!! Oh my, my Sarah's cheek is sore from the laughing!!
So, I decided to take a break and catch them play the Passing the Sotong ball game!
Next game involves couple! I want to play I want to play!! Choose me choose me!! Cos it is the Newspaper dance... It means the newspaper will be halved each time and see which couple can withstand the longest with the smallest portion of the newspaper!!!

Arash and Sara!!! Zan's niece and nephew! Cute! And Yuping brought fire sparkles to play! I used it to take pics... Not again Sarah!
Julien and Qian Qian are fooling around and HE practically swang Qian off to the pool!! The fun reaches its peak!!!!
So while everyone back to eat and chat, Spoonky dear and me took a walk! Saw the kiddy playroom empty and we went in! Back to the Slides and Swing dayz!!! I can finally dip into the balls' pool! Everytime I see kids dive in, I really hope I can join them but I'm too big a size! Now I can swim here, there with the balls and no one disturbing me~
I love this pic!!! I look kiddish yah?
The 4 couples!! Zhao Bing+Mark, Qian Qian+Li Ming, Meiling+John and Sarah+Spoonky!!!!
Ok, I got to sleep! Had a great time today! I don't even remembered when is the last time I headed for such activity!
Sun-tanning with Jos tomorrow! ~lalala~ Finally I can wear my new Bikini out! *jumping with joy*
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