Then I met up with the events co-ordinater for my 1st assignment!
It is going to be a hetic but meeting new friends week!!! Looking forward to this!
While Roy and Jos were at home dolling up, I did my express manicure! I like!
15 missed calls detected while I'm still fanning my paints!

Manicure+diamond=nice hands!!
Lunch treat for 2 of the siblings-in-crime at Waraku!! *5 stars* Juicy mekajiki.. dddddrrrooollll
Yey! Bought this 2 tubes! Highly recommended by Jos gal!
It is fashion week and Paragon having 20% sale! Even on regular items!
Must buy tote! Unique grey! Attached coin purse....
Must buy tote! Unique grey! Attached coin purse....
Finally, this is how I get to know how subconscious mind work! At least for me..
Attended a seminar before. Apparently, the subconscious mind is super powerful! You can do wonders! Our conscious mind is just the tip of the ice berg.
Anyway, I had a huge quarrel with Spoonky. I was in my sleepy mode (I didn't sleep the previous nite as I was working..) so I got angry with him and told myself not to talk to him.. And freakingly, I became mute for 2 hours!!! The moment I wanted to talk, I felt a fist pushed back my words.. Serious, I WASN'T JOKING.... I practically cried and freak out!!!
Yah that powerful....
Attended a seminar before. Apparently, the subconscious mind is super powerful! You can do wonders! Our conscious mind is just the tip of the ice berg.
Anyway, I had a huge quarrel with Spoonky. I was in my sleepy mode (I didn't sleep the previous nite as I was working..) so I got angry with him and told myself not to talk to him.. And freakingly, I became mute for 2 hours!!! The moment I wanted to talk, I felt a fist pushed back my words.. Serious, I WASN'T JOKING.... I practically cried and freak out!!!
Yah that powerful....
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