I have been pestering Spoonky to buy me gifts since he got his pay. No particular reasons, just Sarah is LOW
(read: real low) on budget and I need new things to cherrios me up!
So I dragged him to Orchard for some spree!
Been eyeing for this STILA lip glaze for quite sometime!

And see how the effect is! This ultra high shine gloss gives my lips a punch of colour with a delicious scent! It is so so easy to use too! It comes with a brush tip that refills with just a turn of the handle!
This lil' star fruit lippie brushie is painting my lips colourful!
Check out my blury pout :)

Spoonky not driving so we shop from Taka to PS. Found they have this Outfitters girls boutique! Yessss! I dun have to shop online again! Final nod by Spoonky, this Tee was added on to my shopping cart! Look at the packaging. Isn't it melting most of the ladies hearts?

I bought pretty earrings too! The boss is so nice, allowing me to take my time to choose! He mentioned, every week new stocks will arrive and these are moving real fast! Too bad, the colours here aren't clear.. Got one in bronze and rusty gold! Spoonky predicts this is the colour trend soon! As if he reads more fashion magazine than I do!

A satisfied Sarah and $63 poorer Spoonky makes their way home to cook! Spoonky thought it had been a long time since he held a wok! Craving for Jap, we grab our ingredients and whipped up a sumptous dinner! Simple but filling!
Now here comes the interesting part: Spoonky cooks and Sarah, keeps on washing, cleaning and nagging. He is such a messy guy! And I find myself such a auntie. Gosh, I hate to see kitchen in a mess! Sounds like he is the wife and I am the husband.... I must go learn to cook liao! I want to capture his stomach too! Just like I conquer his heart. Hahah
'Ai-xing ri ben ka li fan!'
I'm drooling again! Loves veges!

Immediately after dinner, Spoonky showing his bad habit... He switched on his air-con, PC and TV. See his engrossed look while his fav programme: ^mei shi da san tong^ is showing.

The very second the commercial is shown, his focus switched to his computer.
I USED to nag about this but not now.. Cuz, I'm beginning to be like him.. Ai' my laptop he bought lah! tsk tsk... The power of IT!

After he 'nua' enuff, he makes his way to bathe for a nite out at Phuture! Tony spinning! He is very very into breaks! I decided to stay at home as poor me gotta work tomorrow, who knows what time he'll make his way home. WOW! Guys nite out!!! So while I'm camping over his place, stocking up of food is a must! In case I hungry mah! He bought my fav wasabi potato chips and ethnic flavour Sapporo! Made me a mug of Jap green tea too! Most importantly, all these must be within MY reach! His chair near me, with the chips, remote control and my phone!
I must be the luckiest gal right now...