Spoonky, the horse will have a good year ahead too!!! *happy*
In a happy mood! This year will be the last year that I'll receive *ang-pows*... Next year, is my turn to give out!!! HAHAHA, so I'm asking extras from my aunties!!!
I love this outfit!!!! Purple and Grey!!!! With my beige shoes, matching my bag...
My darling sister, Eloise..
First, we went to my Grandfather's place at CCK to *bai nian* Met up with my aunties! Long time since i saw them... Every year, we just stayed there for a while.. Had our lunch, talked to my grandparents and I apparently slept on the sofa... CONCUSSED SARAH! Was sssooo tired! Nope, I didn't *sou-ye* I am just too tired working on New year's eve...
Next is my Granny's place at Bukit Merah! It is as usual, rowdy, lots of laughter and everyone is simply in da New Year mood!!! Love to see the massive slippers along the corridor!!!
Love this kind of feeling! Everyone so happy, even adults playing together. Like, when my Granny giving out *ang-pow*, my uncles all started joining the queue!!! Pretending to be Granny's grandchildren or some even shamelessly self-acclaimed to be single!!! Then some would pretend to jump queue or the ~naughty ones~ would re-queue again to confuse the distributor!! It is so fun! You know, when we *bai-nian* we gotta queue.... From the youngest or starting from ladies.. Depending on the *ang-pow* distributor.. HAHhhahhAHHA
Can imagine, my Granny's place is already so small. The house is so packed with people! One group playing Mahjong, another group (my mum in it) preparing food and there is simply LOTS OF FOOD!!! One group, my cousins, watching tv, singing, chatting and playing *dai-di* Another, watching TV in the living room, and lingering around.. Me, like PR like that, walking around, talking, getting updates from everyone! It is so fun especially teasing my 5566-craze cousin!!! My dearest Spoonky starting to get *cosy* with most of my relatives... It is so heart-warming to see him talking to them and being like a part of the BIG famliy... And also, my youngest cousin, Crystal, who pester Spoonky to play with her! Didn't realise my Spoonky can draw so well too!!! Seems like they have a fun time! One drawing, the other.. quietly, enjoying Spoonky's drawing and helping to beautify it..
Ok, here are all the pics taken!!

All of the Granchildren!!! Oh, Cousin Lynn was not in pic! She arrived much later..
My favourite auntie!!! She adores me alot!!! And lots of them said I look like her!!!
*this table is filled with all of us!! from young!*my ZHU lao si*the adults!*
*all of the grandchildren*ZHU lao si n mum, wif shamelessly unwelcome cousins :D*the adults*
*me kissing crystal*crystal in of of the queue*i simply love this nostalgic collage*
*all vain-pots falling in*my eldest cousin*ladies*
*me n spoonky*hahaha he claimed he is my REAL boyfriend*my bro shaun n cynthia her gal*
*baby crystal*she returning a kiss*younger cousin and ZHU lao si* (by the way, ZHU lao si husband is known as ZHU xiao zhang. we have been calling this couple PIGGY for years!!)
To end the day, I pester Crystal again to take pic with Fatty! I wanted to bring her home but she just simply refuse!!!
So had to take pics for remembrance!!! I like Fatty cos she dun bite!!! I'm scared of hamster that bite!!!

Ok, gotta sleep.. Tomorrow will be a busy dae too... Waking up early to pray, in remembrance to my Beloved Grand-daddy.. Missing him so much.. Still remember when I was young, he would cycle me to school.. Now he is no longer around...
Then we will have a *DIM-SUM* session! Wooooooo... So nice!
We will also make a trip to *gou-po* house... She lives in a BIG BIG bungalow!!!
After that back to Granny's place to eat *fa-cai* fish!!!
Can't wait for morning to come!!!!!
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